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Beginning Teacher Talk: A Podcast for New Elementary Teachers

Feb 22, 2023

It’s that time of year again. Spring is quickly approaching, and that means that all kinds of testing is just around the corner. With testing comes long days, anxious students, and stressed out teachers. 😵‍💫

I want you to have all the tools you need in order to feel confident in teaching your students...

Feb 15, 2023

Teaching a class full of students means that you’re always going to have a wide range of ability levels. Over the years, we’ve talked on this podcast about effective ways to support your students who are struggling academically. However, I’ll bet that you also have students who are high-achieving, which can...

Feb 8, 2023

You are only one person leading a class of 20-30 students. How can you ensure that some students aren’t falling behind in their understanding of the concept that you’re teaching? Exit tickets just may be your answer!

Exit tickets measure how well your students understand specific concepts as you teach them inside...

Feb 1, 2023

Today we’re talking about a topic that many of you may currently be planning for, or will be planning for in the near future, and that is maternity leave. Maybe you’ve just finished college, recently gotten married, and landed your dream teaching job. Day by day, you're checking off all the boxes, and your next hope...