Aug 26, 2020
With everything involved in teaching online, sometimes it's hard to think of fun and creative rewards for students - especially when kids come from such different socio-economic backgrounds. Let's talk about 20 awesome class rewards to help build classroom community, even when your students are learning online!
Aug 19, 2020
We all have them - it might be a parent who just sent you a nasty email, a principal who gave you a review that's really hard to recover from, or in my case - anonymous reviewers of my podcast who leave a one-star rating. Find out what made me cry (in frustration & in joy) & learn what you can do to get relief...
Aug 12, 2020
We have talked a lot about how to support children's social and emotional needs as they make this transition to online learning, but what about teachers? How are you coping with the stress and overwhelm that often comes with change? Get comfy & let's talk about 3 simple things you can do right now to get some...
Aug 5, 2020
Let's take a break from COVID talk this week to chat about alllll those things that your parents taught you when you were growing up that you didn't even realize you were learning... and how they might impact your teaching and interactions with students in your own classroom!
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