Feb 28, 2024
Part of our job as teachers is to get students’ attention as we transition from one activity to the next, line up from recess, or give further instructions when students are working in groups. And for most of us, our natural instinct to get the attention of our class is by yelling or speaking in a louder tone. I’ll...
Feb 21, 2024
When you’re a new teacher coming into the educational field, it can be overwhelming to remember and understand all of the different acronyms and terms that are used in education. Today, I want to help make this easier for you! I’m sharing an introduction to the three most common terms, as they relate to students:...
Feb 14, 2024
You’ve finally made it to the weekend where you’re able to breathe and relax from a long and stressful week at work. You take full advantage of living your life outside the classroom where you get to hang out with friends and family and catch up on some sleep. But then Sunday rolls around and this horrible pit...
Feb 7, 2024
As beginning teachers, we’re always looking for ways to save time on things like lesson planning, preparing engaging activities, creating practice worksheets or assessments, and so much more. Until now, the only way to truly get time back was after having years of experience in the classroom. But with the use...