Nov 27, 2019
We've all been there... those days when you wonder if all of your effort is worth it, when the endless meetings or your administrator or *that* colleague has you questioning whether or not you even want to continue in this profession. I get it. I've been there. So, get comfy and let's talk about what to do next -...
Nov 20, 2019
Are you feeling alone and isolated at your new school as a new teacher? Are you finding it hard to fit in and make friends with your new colleagues? I've been there, and I know how hard it is. However, take it from a girl who moved every 2 years growing up... I know a thing or two about making your new school feel...
Nov 13, 2019
If you're struggling with understanding how to differentiate your lessons, learn the 3 key ways to differentiate ANY lesson and download Dr. Lori's FREE Differentiation Teacher Cheat Sheet here:
Get access to Your Chaos to Confidence Classroom...
Nov 6, 2019
If you've been struggling with your classroom management mid-year, learn what to do to make changes tomorrow! Show notes & online workshop info here:
Get access to Your Chaos to Confidence Classroom Management System here: